NAMO is an application that helps you run a local DNS server on your Mac. You don’t need to be a networking …
Webmaster Tools
ZOC Terminal is a Telnet/SSH/SSH2 client and terminal emulator. Tabbed sessions, typed command history, scrolling back, and compatibility with multiple windows have …
Coda is a powerful Web editor that puts everything in one place. An editor. Terminal. CSS. Files. We went beyond expectations with Coda 2. With lots of …
SQLPro Studio is a tool for database management of high-quality Postgres, MySQL, Microsoft Management Studio and Oracle databases.
Table creation, custom queries, autocompletion, and inline data filtering. Here are just a few of the key features you can expect. Whether you …
Wolf allows you to create beautiful and friendly mobile websites. Wolf is an application for Mac that focuses solely on responsive design, …
Navicat for SQL Server is the ideal solution for SQL Server administration and development, allowing you to create databases, organize databases, …
Creo Pro is a MacOS tool that aims to combine the design and development process into an easy-to-use application. The process of creating …
Adobe InCopy CC 2019: A program used to create and edit professional materials closely related to the Adobe InDesign CC 2018 …
GitFTP-Deploy provides simple FTP applications for small projects. Working with smaller sites, sometimes a convenient way to implement on a shared host …
InCopy allows editors and publishers to draft copy, perform change control, and make simple changes to a document, while designers can …
Create stunning HTML5 websites without writing code. Stay true to your creative roots and easily design amazing websites without having to …
Adaptive websites are really fast Dreamweaver CC makes it faster and easier to design, publish and manage code websites and applications …