Graphics - 3D - Animation

Adobe Character Animator CC 2020 v3.5 macOS


Adobe Character Animator is a desktop application software that combines live motion capture with a multi-track recording system to control layered 2D puppets drawn in Photoshop or Illustrator. It is used to produce both live and non-live animations. Character Animator imports layered Photoshop and Illustrator documents into puppets that have behaviors applied to them. Puppets are placed in a scene that can then be viewed in the Scene panel and Timeline panel. Rigging is established in the Puppet panel, but base rigging is fully automatic based on certain layer names such as Right Crest and Smile. Properties of selected elements, including behavior parameters, can be reviewed and modified in the Properties panel. Live inputs include a webcam (for face tracking), microphone (for live lip-syncing), keyboard (to trigger to hide/show layers), and mouse (to multiply specific handles). The final output of the scene can be exported to a series of PNG files and a WAV file or any video format supported by Adobe Media Encoder. Live output can be sent via the Siphon protocol (Mac only) or Adobe Mercury Transmit on both Mac and Windows to other applications running on the same machine. Scenes can also be dropped directly into After Effects and Premiere Pro using Dynamic Link to avoid rendering.
System Requirements

  • Intel, 64-bit processor
  • macOS 10.13 or later
  • 8 GB RAM
  • GPU with at least OpenGL 3.2 support

Download Links

Turbobit 1.17 GB .zip


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