Graphics - 3D - Animation

Amadine 1.2.3 Mac


Amadine is a vector drawing software with a perfectly balanced user interface that guarantees smooth workflow and fast learning. The application is perfect for illustrations, designing websites, user interface, editing flyers and brochures, creating logos and icons. Developed with the precision and attention users need, Amadine offers everything you need to bring your wildest illustration ideas to life.

  • Use over 30 tools to select, draw, edit, slice and write.
  • Select and manipulate objects: Move, Selection, Lasso, Eyedropper, Scissors, Eraser, Zoom.
  • Draw and edit paths: Pen, Transform, Draw (combines Pen and Brush), Width, Gradient, Rectangle, Rounded Rectangle, Ellipse, Polygon, Star, Line, Arc.
  • Transforming shapes: Free Transform, Symmetric Distortion, Free Distortion.
  • Organize artboards: Sheets.
  • Type and edit text: Text (combines text on ground and text in box), Text on Path, Text on Shape.
System Requirements

Compatibility: macOS 10.12 or later 64-bit

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