Audio Editing

Audio Damage AD042 Axon 2.1.1 Mac


Audio Damage AD042 Axon 2.1.1  is an AI-driven drum synth. (Well, “intelligence” might be a strong word. It's an artificial thing or the other.) An experimental instrument, the Axon, uses a modified artificial neural network as a sequencer and features seven FM-based percussion sounds that are truly a single one. operator FM voice.
Changelog V2.1.1 New: >>> Pitch button replaced with larger display and increase/decrease buttons; It is much easier to use, especially on touch screens. >>> Multiple exits are back! In addition to the main stereo outputs, each Neuron has its own stereo output labeled “Neuron 00” through “Neuron 06.” Unlike the Axon 1, the mixer on the Axon affects these outputs. In testing, we found this to be the more desirable behavior. >>> A demo version (like you don't care if you're reading this) and a Linux x64 (Ubuntu 18+) version have been added to the deployment.

Corrections and Changes: >>> MIDI output has been rewritten to suck less. The most important thing you'll notice is that the output notes follow the pitch of the corresponding neuron. Let's say if Neuron 02 is set to pitch C3, MIDI notes that the neuron outputs will be 36 (C3). >>> Axon 2 has been rebuilt with all available SDKs. One consequence of this is that 32-bit versions will be removed from distribution and required systems will be replaced with Windows 8.1 or later, macOS 10.11 or later, iOS/iPadOS 11 or later, and Ubuntu 18 or later. >>> macOS preset location changed to ~/Music. Axon 2.1.0 creates a new folder with the new factory presets in this location when started for the first time. If you have user presets, you can manually move them from the old location (/Library/Application Support/Audio Damage/Axon 2/Presets/User) to the new one. After doing this, you can delete the old Axon2 folder in Application Support. We tried to do this automatically with the Quanta installer, and you all know how this turned out for Catalina users, so we decided to be less aggressive this time. >>> Lots of optimizations, refactorings and general shennannigans.

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