Tools - Miscellaneous

Author 6.7


More control over the authoring process with Enhanced Citation Copy, Enhanced Glossary, Enhanced Views, Excerpts and more. When you're ready to share your work as a PDF, you'll receive an automatically generated Reference section. You can also post to WordPress.

Quick Quote
  • Copy from PDF in companion app Reader and paste as full quote to Author
  • Paste BibTex or DOI from an academic PDF to have it automatically converted into a full citation
  • Quickly and easily quote from books, Web pages and YouTube videos (from specified time if desired)
  • Quotes can be easily moved from one document to another by clicking on the quote and selecting 'Copy Quote'.
Advanced Automatic Export Options
  • Add References Section
  • Create a Cover Page
  • Issue Headings
  • Specify how citations should appear: Author Date or Author Number
  • Makes typed links live
  • Visual-Meta insertion option
  • Publish to WordPress: Supports multiple accounts and image attachments
Advanced Views
  • Dynamic View: Think freely without being constrained by traditional text columns. Note the mind map, concept map and thoughts in the author.
  • Instant Outline: Pinch your trackpad to fold text to see only headings. Pinch in or out to see more or fewer titles
  • Advanced Find: If you want to see only sentences with a particular keyword, select cmd-f keyword to hide all sentences that do not have the keyword will be hidden. Click on a sentence to skip, cmd-f again, or ESC to return to normal view.
  • Magic Margins: Double-click the margins (in full screen mode) to jot down any note. If the notes are also in the document, they will be bold and you can double-click to see all occurrences. Note: These margins do not follow your document as you scroll, they are separate to ensure you always have space available to take notes; so they are not like traditional margins.
System Requirements

macOS 10.13 or later 64-bit

Download Links

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