BookMacster, Marker Master for your Mac, is a browser bookmark manager program compatible with iCloud and Safari. Manage browser bookmarks. Add literacy and tagging. Verify, repair repair, assemble. Cross Browser synchronization. Sync bookmarks from Safari, Firefox, Chrome and more across all your devices. Central America store. Keep your bookmarks in a central store that you can access within web browsers.
- iCloud Safari sync
- Compatible with Google Chrome Signal input and Firefox Sync
- Favorites added to BookMacster Safari on your Mac sync via iCloud for Safari on iOS devices
- Import/export with Safari, Firefox, Chrome, iCab, Opera 11.12, Roccat, Bulletin Board, Delicious, Diigo, Google Bookmarks and OmniWeb.
- Easily organize with Tags, Hierarchy, or both.
- Check bookmarks, fix redirects and duplicates.
- Automatically sort bookmarks when changed (Alphabet). Check the folders you want to sort or are not sorted, how you can sort them.
- Supports multiple user profiles in Firefox and Google Chrome.
- Collecting new NetNewsWire bookmarks or similar applications
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