Audio Editing

Cableguys ShaperBox v2.3.3 Bundle Mac


With seven powerful effects – TimeShaper 2, DriveShaper, CrushShaper, VolumeShaper 6, FilterShaper Core 2, PanShaper 3 and WidthShaper 2 – ShaperBox 2 creates spectacular musical, rhythmic effects and helps solve complex mixing problems. Load any Shaper effect and draw the modulation shapes you need with our easily editable LFOs. Or use envelope followers that respond to sound. Control filtering, volume, drive, width, panning, bitbreaking – even the flow of time. Get inspired: Turn loops, beats, vocals, melodies or basslines into addictive hooks to launch your next track. Then perfect your mix with sample-precise sidechaining, powerful compression, multi-band distortion, stereo widening and more.

Change log 2.3.3 – 30 June 2021 – Fixed: When using PanShaper at a sample rate of 192kHz or higher, high Haas settings could cause crashes. – Fixed: In some DAWs (e.g. Cubase), latency was not compensated correctly when the plug-in was bypassed by the host. – Fixed: Double-clicking or dragging a modifiable parameter could sometimes change the LFO waveform or create too many rollback phases.
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