CrystalDiffract brings the world of x-ray and neutron powder diffraction to your computer screen with interactive control and easy characterization of your experimental data. Real-time parameter controls let you experiment with diffraction and sample settings with instant feedback. Combine these with the ability to create blends on the fly and load observed data in the same window, and you have a powerful workbench application for researchers, teachers, and students. Diffraction at Your Fingertips CrystalDiffract provides powerful x-ray and neutron powder diffraction simulation capabilities: yet is quick and easy to use. Choose from four preset simulation types: fixed wavelength X-rays, neutrons; energy-dispersive X-rays; or time-of-flight neutrons. Multiprocessing allows rapid profile simulation and real-time adjustment of diffraction and sample parameters: putting you firmly in control of your diffraction experiment. Analyzing Experimental Data Edin CrystalDiffract allows you to import multiple experimental data sets to compare with simulated data: simply drag and drop text files into your diffraction window. You can manipulate and rescale your observed data, apply real-time smoothing and background corrections, and then use innovative on-screen tools to measure your observed pattern. Compare with simulated patterns or try a phase identification to check purity. Drag and Drop Mix Simulation CrystalDiffract allows you to simulate multiphase mixtures by dragging and dropping patterns into a mixture group. You can adjust mix compositions in real time using the mix slider and text controls in the Parameters List. Additional controls allow you to lock the total mix or reset components to zero for easy manual adjustment of phase ratios. Simulated mixtures can be displayed alongside individual patterns from their components! Simply use the visibility checkboxes in the Model List to customize your display. Gorgeous Graphics to Go CrystalDiffract 6 provides the most beautiful images that you can easily copy to other programs in high-resolution vector format: copy to clipboard, drag and drop to other programs, or save to file. You have extensive control over the display, including pattern colors, line and mark sizes/styles, transparency, shadows, overlays, gridlines, movie styles and colors, overlay labels (including content, positioning and alignment), Legend display, drawing title – plus your text fonts and sizes. With CrystalDiffract's trackpad support, Multi-Touch Scaling and shifting your diffraction pattern is easy. Just "pinch to zoom" and pan to scroll horizontally or scale vertically. You can also specify a precise drawing range, use the Pan tool, or use the toolbar's scale and pan commands. Patterns can be sorted according to various criteria and automatically stacked on the screen. Search, Browse Reflections An integrated Search field allows you to quickly find simulated reflections: in the drawn pattern or in the Reflections List. You can browse and sort the reflections in the list; Double-click any reflection to instantly find it in the plot. Peak Hints help you identify reflections as you move the mouse. The peaks can be expanded to display full information about each peak, including its d-spacing, relative intensity, and width. Data Output CrystalDiffract lets you save your work as a standalone document for quick and convenient access the next time you use the program. You can also export all diffraction patterns, reflection list, structure factors, as well as crystal structure data in CIF or CMTX formats. CrystalDiffract also has a direct visualization connection with CrystalMaker: select any simulated pattern and choose the Visualize command; The crystal structure will be displayed in CrystalMaker. The Direct Visualization link allows you to take any simulated pattern and visualize its crystal structure in CrystalMaker with a single menu command.
System Requirements
Compatibility: Apple Silicon or Intel Core processor • macOS 11.0 or later
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Turbobit 36 MB .zip
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