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Dynaper – Dynamic Wallpapers 13.5 MacOS


Create your own dynamic desktop wallpaper (time shift / sun shift / light and dark) in macOS Mojave, Catalina and Big Sur. Full support for wide color range for photographers. Dynaper makes it easy to create a local time/sun shifting/light and dark HEIC wallpaper that changes throughout the day. Wallpapers made by Dynaper for macOS Mojave & Catalina & It is supported by Big Sur and can be set as wallpaper in System Preferences. Drag and drop your images and change the display time for each image. Dynaper will automatically change the time if the image contains EXIF ​​metadata or contains a time suffix in the filename. For a quick time change using the auto-suggest feature. Run Solar Wizard, which you can export for a sun-changing wallpaper. Dragging an image out of Dynaper will create time-shifted text with normalized time and parameters that can be used for manual HEIC creation.

Auxiliary tools:

  • time assistant (convert time to normalized time)
  • solar assistant (convert location to solar data: altitude and azimuth)
  • solar wizard (convert many locations to solar data: altitude and azimuth)
  • HEIC metadata (view HEIC metadata used for the wallpaper image)
  • Create Light and Dark Wallpaper (wallpaper that automatically adapts to appearance change)
  • Remove still image helper (Removes Dark/Light appearance metadata from dynamic wallpaper image)
Solar Wizard can be accessed from the top menu (Utilities->Solar Wizard).

Automatic Time Detector:

To save time, Dynaper automatically recognizes timestamps in your filename or metadata. If your filename does not have a valid time, Dynaper will look at the EXIF ​​metadata (creation date) to find a valid time. Add your filename with the suffix HH_mm, where "H" represents hour and "m" represents minutes. A 24-hour format is used for detection and the last 5 characters of the file name are checked.

Example of valid filenames:

  • image001_16_45.jpg
  • image001_16_45
  • screenshot_16.45.05.jpg
  • screenshot_16.45.05

Colors with a wide color gamut:

Color devices with a wide color range display more vibrant and lifelike tones. It's best to provide images taken with wide color gamut, as all recent Apple devices can display these colors. Whether you provide images with an sRGB color profile or a P3 display color profile, Dynaper will automatically choose the best color profile for you. Note that dynamic wallpapers created on the web do not support wide color gamut.

Still images:

Dynaper has the ability to export dynamic wallpaper with a still dark image and a still light image. One option is to right-click on the grid view to select the light or dark image. Another option is to select still images when exporting. Since macOS Catalina, the system will prefer dark still image over dark image. This feature must be enabled in preferences (add still images).

Light/Dark wallpaper:

One of the tools can create the appearance of the wallpaper. This wallpaper automatically adapts to the current macOS view mode. macOS will automatically select the light-colored wallpaper after sunrise and change it to dark after sunset. (Requires location services enabled, otherwise sunrise/sunset time is determined by time zone) Please note that exported HEIC images contain a watermark. Removing the watermark is possible via in-app purchase.

Image display time example:

1. 00:05 AM- 01:00AM (for 00:05 hours) 2. 01:00 AM- 03:00AM (for 01:00) 3. 03:00 AM-04:00AM (for 03:00) 4. 04:00 AM-00:05AM (for 04:00 hours)
System Requirements

macOS 10.14 or later 64-bit

Download Links

Turbobit 26 MB .zip


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