EventScripts 1.20 triggers your scripts when tracked events occur. AppleScripts, Automator workflows, Perl scripts, shell scripts, and applications can be executed by EventScripts. EventScripts can also remotely control your Mac by triggering scripts using your Apple Remote. You can also run scripts from your iPhone, iPad, or iPod Touch using the accompanying EventScripts Mobile app. EventScripts is also a script that allows you to use EventScripts to send Prowl and Pushover notifications to your iOS device. EventScripts passes parameters to all scripts it runs that provide additional information about the event that triggered execution.
- Bluetooth device and iBeacon proximity; Presses the Apple Remote button; location changes; internet connection changes; the application starts and closes; computer shutdown; file download; sleep and wakefulness events; screen sleep, wake and lock; start and stop screensaver; completion of time machine backup; bluetooth availability; wifi network name changes; iTunes track changes; Airplay availability; creating screenshots; bulk assembly and launch and more…
- Our website contains many useful sample scripts for controlling Plex, Transmission and other popular applications, as well as templates for writing your own AppleScript scripts.
System Requirements
macOS 10.13.0 or later
Download Links
Turbobit 8 MB .zip
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