Audio Editing

Goodhertz All Plugins Bundle v3.5.0 Mac


Goodhertz All Plugins Bundle is an audio software company founded in early 2014. We are located in Southern California and have offices in Vermont and Seoul. We believe audio plugins should sound incredible and be easy to use. We specialize in making the best audio plugins.

CanOpener Studio Vulf Compressor Tone Control Trem Control Lossy Lohi Faraday Limiter Panpot Good Imitation Tiltshift Midside Midside Matrix Wow Control Megaverb v3.5.0 Changelog  added HQ Mode, Noise Compensation, Secure Gain, Always, and advanced Crossfeed processing in CanOpener Studio Added new Mixing / Mastering presets in CanOpener Studio Added Sidechain Tilt, which provides tone control on the Vulf Compressor's reverb signal. New Sidechain Tilt presets added to Vulf Compressor. Added selectable Random Seed to Vay Control New UI color palette: Dark Mode! Improved bounce/export repeatability across various DAWs - now guaranteed to produce the same output after multiple runs. Improved A/B functionality - retained after closing UI. Improved various UI elements - font tweaks and improved HUDs. Improved animations and measurement on Windows. Brand new French translations and additional language support in all plugins.
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