Tools - Miscellaneous

GoToFile 1.6.4


GoToFile is a fast, flexible and accurate utility for finding files and folders on your Mac. Fuzzy Search Type a few characters and GoToFile will instantly show matching items. Fuzzy Search means you can leave out characters and only type in the more pregnant ones. It's just the order that matters. Typing uppercase characters will favor items with those characters at word boundaries. GoToFile can search by filename or full path. Regular Expressions With Regular Expressions Add a '+' in front of your search term to match . For example, if you are looking for files with the "pdf" suffix, you would enter +pdf$. Regular Expressions can also be used to exclude elements from the result. In this case, “-“ is added in front of the expression. Everywhere Search GoToFile uses search sets called projects. A project consists of one or more folders to search and rules specifying which subfolders to ignore and which items to exclude or include in the index. Indexes are kept in memory and updated automatically. Move without (too) Once an item is found, GoToFile offers several actions: Open the item with its default application (⏎) or the currently active application (⇧⏎). Copy its path to the clipboard (⌥⏎) or type it into the currently active application (⌘⏎). An action icon will be shown so you know what it is before you press the Return button. GoToFile also provides basic file management functionality. You can rename (⌃⏎), copy (⌃C ⌃V), move (⌃X ⌃V), and duplicate (⌃D) items. By pressing the ⇧ key twice you get a QuickLook preview of the selected item. Drag and Drop supported. Drag an item's icon into any app to open/copy/move/link. Temporary filters Sometimes files or folders have very common names. You'll be presented with a long list of similarly named items in different locations. In this case, you can select the path components (⌃←, ⌃→) and focus on that path (⌘=) or exclude everything below it (⌘-) from the search result. This temporary filter does not change project settings and can be easily reset (⌘⎋). Latest Items You just downloaded a file and want to open it? You saved the file in one application and want to open it in another application? Open the search panel and press ⌘R to switch to Recent Items mode. GoToFile provides a searchable list of recently created/modified items, sorted by creation/modification date in descending order. Browser mode If you know the name of an element, you search for it by name. If you don't, you can use GoToFile's built-in Browser mode to explore the file system. Switch between modes by pressing the ↹ key. If you found a folder you want to search, select it and press ⌘⇧S to create a virtual project from the search. In Search Mode, you can press ⌘⇧B to reveal the selected item in Browser Mode. Finder integration GoToFile offers three system services: Search, Search Similar, and Browse. They appear in the Finder's context menu in the Services submenu. Using these services, you can quickly search or browse any folder from Finder. Similar Search acts like Search but sets the current file/folder name as the search string. Using the Keyboard System Preferences panel, you can assign keyboard shortcuts to these services for a smoother workflow.
System Requirements

GoToFile supports all macOS versions from Sierra (10.12) to Monterey (12). Requires 64-bit Intel or Apple Silicon Mac. Both architectures are natively supported.
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