Advanced Music Downloader for Mac! Download Music and Identify and Tag Songs – Automatically.More than just a music downloader, Jaksta Music Recorder also includes song fingerprinting technology that identifies the song's artist, album and title and saves it along with the downloaded file. Simply amazing!
Download from streaming music sites with these features
Youtube, Pandora and more..
Automatically Tag Songs
Save to MP3 or other audio formats
iTunes friendly
Fast – up to 10x faster than playback
Easy – Catches while listening
Record 10 Free Songs
BEST YOUTUBE MUSICDOWNLOER Jaksta Music Recorder can download YouTube music videos to MP3 files. Use Jaksta Music Recorder for your YouTube music video downloads as it is the best YouTube music video downloader for Mac.BEST PANDORA MUSICDOWNLOER Jaksta Music Recorder can download Pandora music to MP3 files. Use Jaksta Music Recorder for your Pandora music downloads as it is the best Pandora music downloader for Mac.HIGH SPEED, HIGH QUALITY RECORDINGJaksta Music Recorder downloads perfect digital copies of the songs you hear at up to 10 times the playback speed. Even videos are automatically converted to MP3s in the highest possible quality.3,000,000+ SONG DEFINITIONSJaksta Music Recorder recognizes over three million songs using an ever-growing database and advanced song fingerprinting technology. So no matter what song you download, you will know the artist, title, album and genre of the song. No more "mysterious" downloads
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