Audio Editing

Klanghelm MJUC Variable-tube Compressor 1.5.0 Mac


Klanghelm MJUC Variable-tube Compressor 1.5.0  is the most demanding Klanghelm plugin to date. It took almost two years of, dare I say, “extreme” research and development. I researched and analyzed every variable-mu* implementation to create MJUC. I can get my hands on it to get the best tube compression into a single processor. To ensure the diversity of this compression topology fairness, three different models have been created. They are a kind of journey through the history of tube compression to capture the essence of each generation. Each model has its own dedicated signal path and specific control set. If you want, you can change the overall hue and saturation of each pattern with the unique TIMBRE and DRIVE control. The DRIVER controls the load of the input and output transformers as the saturation of the tube gain stages, if any. TIMBRE extends the use of MJUC as a tone shaping device. MJUC is the first Klanghelm plugin built with the help of a new framework. This brings many new usability features like GUI resizing, AB-ing, and feature-rich platform independent preset browser with save/copy/paste/save functionality as default. Additionally, it is possible to change button behavior, enable tooltips, show/hide value labels and more. All these features will arrive in the existing Klanghelm add-on as soon as possible.
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