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Kodak Preps 8.2.1 build 112 Mac OS


PREPS assembly software, one of the tools used in the printing industry, produces faster and more accurate installations that maximize the use of printing sheets. PREPS software makes it easy to produce similar or repetitive jobs efficiently, effectively and automatically with flexible and easy-to-use templates and libraries.  PREPS Imposition Software produces faster, more accurate impositions that maximize the use of registration pages. Automated loading process reduces delivery time and reduces costs. Key Benefits - Make it quick and easy to create, store and manage, reducing delivery time and costs so you can get work done faster and easier, step by step. brings - Easily handle complex jobs for digital and conventional printing  - produce similar or repetitive work easily, saving time and reducing costs with templates and libraries.  - Efficiently and effectively manage any printing project using specialized interfaces for commercial and packaging applications  - A well-known standard software industry for print operators minimizes training and maximizes productivity software capabilities - Flexible templates and easy to use facilitate the production of similar or repetitive jobs efficiently.  - Template search tool allows you to quickly find a Preps template for reuse.  - Define how a tick mark will be placed depending on the needs of the job or production SmartMarks  - Defining rules automatically created using SmartMarks or with the SmartMarks Editor into a JDF workflow  - Improved production reporting colors, sizes and equipment specified for the job - Improved step - Custom repeat for wrapping and wrapping - custom interface  - AutoGang feature optimizes the layout of several runs in a single principle  - Supports industry standard input PDFs and output files JDF Kodak Preps 8.0 New features and improvements: Separate page design as a pattern with a special twist saving You can now save a custom pattern with a section containing separate pages. By adding these patterns to a press feed, you will be prompted to set the properties as a separate page.  Preparations can now define subsections (or strips) in Custom Folding Patterns. This means you can use Preps to create a multi-web design, save it as a custom fold pattern, and create a web press that works with the custom fold pattern. Print menu and Preferences for report design work can now set default output for report design values Uncheck during JDF import. If you are working with Preps templates that are templates / companies you have previously defined, you will now be able to remove all existing brands during the JDF import process. You can then use SmartMarks to modify them according to the mark rules. To add a new website and duplicate an existing one new hotkeys You can now use hotkeys to add new sites and duplicate sites. See the shortcuts menu: Windows operating system-based computers and shortcuts to menus Separation layout rules / packaging of resource property Stock (Substrate) Autotardeo rules and gridlock now define a Resource property as Stock (substrate) rather than Resources> The Rules Editor box and cage lock are defined. This means that it is no longer necessary to define various properties of Stock (substrate) resources for this purpose. In the new Rules Editor Rice and Rice you get all the same defined welding skills (substrate), plus additional fields to define Paper Stock (substrate) in weight and size. Automatic bottling autotardeo will be activated when there is a source Stock (substrate) that matches a rule and the specified ranges. New profile to allow users to enable AutoShingling There are two ways to apply autotardeo and gridlock rules: manually (in the job design details dialog in a box) or automatically.  Preparations to automatically apply the rule to your profile, -AUTOSHINGLING and -AUTOBOTLING YES. When there are new jobs, automatic and automatic bottling are automatically created in the box design run Details dialog box. The default value is NO, so you can control the use of Auto Shingling at the run level as needed. Brand new feature that only allows marks in the Preparation Job Layout Report You can now edit a report SmartMark to place marks on print runs, allowing you to restrict markup to only print report design work. The mark will not be printed on the production design. Blending new brands for mixed binding styles You can now use mixed binding markings when the production has two perfect binding signatures, each consisting of three separate sewing needles, including firms of different binding styles. In the example, the companies are perfectly linked to the upper level and each will receive a signature number for the collation mark. Stitched signatures acquire the same number of signs indicating the numbers of the father and child trades within the parent firm.

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