Tools - Miscellaneous

Lights Out 3.2 macOS


Lights Out 3.2 lets hot corners put your Mac to sleep or keep it awake. Lights Out can turn sleep on or off for individual apps. Lights Out cures Energy Saver insomnia. Many software packages, browsers, and peripherals can interfere with your Mac's normal sleep patterns. Lights Out provides a secondary idle timer to put your Mac to sleep even when Energy Saver can't.
Lights Out allows you to easily check the status of the system sleep mode from the Dock icon. Simple to configure and simple to use, Lights Out does not make any harmful changes to your system. Launch it and leave it like any normal application! Lights Out is the Little Helper of Energy Saving!

    • User-defined hotspots in processor sleep and user sleep.
    • Temporarily suspend CPU sleep for the specified period of time.
    • Easily turn sleep mode on and off.
    • Turn sleep mode on and off for individual apps
    • Application for easy installation and stability.
    • Simple to configure and use.

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Turbobit 4 MB .zip


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