Audio Editing

Meta 1.9.3 MacOS


Meta helps you manage your digital music collection.  Meta refers to a song title, album, album cover, etc. You can easily edit information such as: Supports editing of most audio formats including: MP3, MP4, M4A, FLAC, OGG, Oga, SPX, wav, aiff… and a variety of metadata formats including ID3v1, ID3v2.3, ID3v2 .4, iTunes MP4, Vorbis Comments and APE tags, we've got you covered!

  • Polished interface and intuitive user complies with regulations
  • Writing metadata to multiple files at once (Bulk Tag Editing)
  • Remove all metadata files (Tape Tags)
  • Typecase change (uppercase, lowercase/uppercase, TitleCase)
  • Rename files based on their metadata or convert filenames to metadata instead
  • Create directory-based structures metadata files
  • Search and replace characters, words, or strings in metadata with support for regular expressions (e.g., patterns).
Album covers can be easily configured or exported via drag and drop; You can also adjust Meta to keep the size of your audio files to a minimum.  … And there's more:
  • Add selected tracks to iTunes or update their metadata using a simple keyboard shortcut
  • automatically generate part numbers
  • Production benefit in file management operations (Move, delete, view in Finder…)
  • Interface supports Retina displays

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