Graphics - 3D - Animation

Mettle Mantra 2.0 MacOS


Turn your footage into surreal and fantastic animations. After Effects and Premiere Pro.

NEW in Mantra V2:

• Mantra ObjX - Import popular 3D formats (alembic, fbx, obj, glTF, USDZ), modify materials and export in AR-enabled USDZ and glTF formats powered by AR Players - Adobe Aero and Apple Reality Composer.

• Updated “Mantra Spherify”  - Turn 360° stills or images into 3D spheres (portals) for use in AR. Use a different image for the front and back of the spheres. Includes full RGBA support. Export in USDZ and glTF format for use in AR players such as Adobe Aero and Reality Composer. Create spheres to use as portals in AR players.

• Updated Mantra Graphix  - Create geometry by extruding 2D graphics into 3D shapes, logos, and text. Export in USDZ and glTF format for use in AR players such as Adobe Aero and Reality Composer.


•  360 / VR + Flat Stylization VFX - Transform your flat and 360° footage / images with our incredible stylization FX set. • Node Based Panel  - No script required! Drag and drop for compositing and effects. • Autoactive features: Sound  FX • Supported Formats -  Flat, 360° Monoscopic and Stereoscopic O/U + SBS.

• Sphere Preview - See your FX inside and outside a sphere. Quickly see how your effects look in near real time.

  compatiblewith Immersive tools in After Effects and Premiere Pro.

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