The most complete personal finance control with Money. It keeps track of all your accounts, issues invoices, prepares a budget of income and expenses, and takes complete control of personal finances.
With money, you will have the following options:
1. PREPARE FOR THE FACILITATION OF INCOME AND EXPENDITURES. You can fill in detailed categories for planned income and expenses and enter information when you spend money. Once you analyze the difference between budgeted and actual expenses, you know you'll save more money. 2. PAYMENT FEES AT TIMES. A system of reminders and alerts notifies you when bills are due so they don't fall due. 3. To track all accounts (checking, savings, credit cards, etc.). No matter how many accounts you have. Import your bank accounts via the OFX file bank and always keep them updated with the simple swipe of a finger. Four. Controlling all money over time by analyzing reports, charts and diagrams. 5. Advantages of the integrated approach. A bill is paid from a bank account, automatically changing the balance and affecting the budget. If you use a personal credit card to pay for business travel, you may have separate accounts for personal and business expenses. 6. sync information across all devices: iPhone, iPad and Mac.Details Money:
OPERATIONS - Income, expenses, inter-account transfers - Organization invoices - Calendar with all planned expenses, paid or unpaid - recurring invoices and automatic payment - Alerts near due date or overdue invoices - Additional fields to organize your reports including beneficiary, description, check number, class (o business personal trips) - accompanying payment and comment proof audio search - search Pricing - Unlimited accounts (current, savings, credit card, etc.) in one place) - Import bank accounts (OFX files) - Automatic classification from previous transactions - Compatibility with many currencies and automatically updating exchange rates - Reconciliation of accounts (balance and cleared balance) - Balance of transactions date BUDGETS - Frequency of budget customization (weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, etc.) - recurring and recurring budgets (different amounts required for each period, if necessary) - Categories and subcategories - Multiple budgets - visual indicators of over budget - Report Budget implementation - Implementation of the budget in each category and overall - Chart over time budget trend REPORTS - Budgeted / Actual - Cash flow - Transactions - Assets / Liabilities - Projected balance - Reports accounts, classes, payers, transaction types, etc. Timing - Automatic sync with iCloud (iPad, iPhone, Mac) - Family Sync Bluetooth (iPhone, iPad) - Completely safe Screenshots
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