Audio Editing

Music Developments Melodya v1.0.9 Mac


Melodya is an advanced melody generator and mood editor plugin Meet Melodya, the melody generator plugin with full control Melodya is an advanced motivation editor and melody generator that is easy to use, but also offers many detailed settings for deeper control. It can not only create new melodies but also modify existing melodies in different ways. The created melody can be freely edited.

• Motivation editor and one-click melody generation based on detailed rhythm and pattern options • advanced rhythm mapping algorithm that enables the separation of shape and rhythm • various melodic and rhythmic transformations used in famous, well-known melodies • suitable for modern genres: “Modern” beat generator included (+2 others) • a simple one-page user interface that is fully customizable (colors, fonts, keyboard shortcuts…) • MIDI file import. The dropped MIDI file can be modified or renamed. can be divided into creatable melody sections • for melody generation and one click • mutating an existing melody • simple activation. No internet connection required for activation or operation
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