Tools - Miscellaneous

NeoFinder 8.1 MAC


NeoFinder (formerly CDFinder) quickly organizes your data on external or internal disks or other volumes. It catalogs all your data so you stay in control of your data archive or disk library. With comprehensive metadata support, you can find your files quickly.

  • Catalog: any hard disk, data folder, CD-ROM, DVD-ROM, BlueRay, HD-DVD, iPod, Server Volume, Audio CD, USB Stick, FTP Server and more
  • Power: Process really large amounts of data
  • Photo Previews: Create beautiful thumbnails for many photo and image formats, including JPG, TIFF, EPS, RAW, PDF, PSD, BMP, GIF, PNG, TGA, IFF (Maya)
  • Audio Metadata: MP3, AAC (iTunes), FLAC (Lossless), ALAC (Apple Lossless) and AIFF metadata: author, album, title, composer, lyrics, cover art, track number, duration, bitrate, genre, year, review. It even catalogs all Audio CDs and Apple iPhone ringtone files!
  • Photo Metadata: XMP (used by Adobe Bridge), EXIF ​​and IPTC metadata (including GPS geotags), and JPG, TIFF, PICT and BMP photo details
  • Movie Metadata: Get thumbnails, size, duration, codec and frame rate from movie files supporting AVI, MOV, MP4, FLV, MPG, MKV, M4V and others
  • Geotagging GPS support: NeoFinder catalogs and displays GPS EXIF ​​tags of photos and has direct links to Google Earth, Flickr, Panoramio, Google Maps, and MapQuest. NeoFinder can even search for photos taken near any location (GeoFinder) and export GPS data to KMZ files
  • Networkable: Share your NeoFinder database across your entire workgroup (requires a Business License)
  • Cross platform: with abeMeda (was CDWinder) you can use a single database for both worlds!
  • Workflow Integration: Automatically catalog all discs burned by Roxio Toast; Drag any image directly from NeoFinder into applications such as Adobe InDesign, Quark XPress, Apple Pages, Microsoft Office; Integrate NeoFinder with FileMaker Pro databases and more
  • Find it! Top Find functions and, of course, offline browsing of all your volumes, even in multiple windows if you want
  • Spotlight Integration: Search your local disks with Spotlight and catalogs from within NeoFinder
  • Import Catalogs: These twelve formats are supported: Disk Recall, DiskWizard, Iomega FindIt, Portents DiskTracker (both 1.x and 2.x!), Catalog, CatFinder, "Neometric" Catalog, DiskLibrary, Bad Cross Disk Manager (Windows), and Advanced Disk Catalog (ADC for Windows) catalog or export files and iView MediaPro and Microsoft Expression Media XML files
  • Quick and really easy to use, see screenshots
  • Export and print catalog data
  • Information: Look inside archive files: ZIP, TAR, .rar, StuffIt (.sit and even .sitx) and others including Disk Image contents
  • International: English, German, French, Italian, Swedish, Spanish and Dutch user interface, all-in-one application
  • Unicode compatible: Use NeoFinder to catalog filenames of any language
  • AppleScript: Integrate NeoFinder with FileMaker Pro or another application or extend NeoFinder's capabilities
  • Expand your NeoFinder catalog database using five custom fields for any content you need
  • FileCheck: Only NeoFinder can generate an industrial-strength MD5 checksum for each cataloged file
  • AutoMount: NeoFinder automatically mounts every server unit you catalog or update for you as needed! And of course, you can ask NeoFinder to mount the volume for you at any time using the context menu.
  • QuickLook: Open a QuickLook window for any selected online file directly from within NeoFinder!
  • Cross Class: You have already purchased a different disk cataloger or media asset manager application, ask us for a good quote!
  • Free email support
  • Languages: User Interface in eight languages, all in one application: English, German, Japanese, French, Italian, Swedish, Spanish and Dutch
System Requirements

Compatibility: OS X 10.7 or newer.

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