Audio Editing

PerfectTUNES 3.0 Mac


Optimizing your music collection can be a daunting task, from albums with missing artwork to duplicate tracks to broken tracks. Fixing these problems can be a time-consuming task. Don't dream of a trained professional to help you anymore, PerfectTUNES is that professional. Album Artwork automatically adds missing covers Cover art is used both to identify albums when browsing and for visual appeal when playing a track. Missing or low-res cover art typically just doesn't cut it these days when a collection can be checked out via a high-resolution tablet. Edit ID Tags metadata The design ethos behind ID Tagger was to create a powerful, yet easy-to-use tagger that we're confident has delivered on both counts. You are presented with different views or insights into your music library, allowing quick fixes to be made across your entire audio library without having to know where individual files are located.

AccurateRip checks lossless tracks for rip errors About 2% of all copied disks have errors, the disks do not even need to be scratched to give an error such as manufacturing defects. CD drives cannot determine on their own whether a copied track has an error (using c2 pointers or re-copying), copy errors can be speaker burst noise or silence (where the drive interpolates the error). There is a technology called AccurateRip which compares your rips with other people's rips, a positive match says without question that your rip is error free, a negative match may indicate that the rip has errors. PerfectTUNES AccurateRip verifies previously ripped discs, perfect for verifying iTunes or other rippers that cannot verify AccurateRip. Why settle for less than perfect rips? AccurateRip remove doubt from your audio collection. DeDup removes duplicate parts De-Dup listens to your collection and provides a list of duplicate tracks. Most often, a duplicate is a lower quality copy of a track (such as a lower mp3 bitrate) or a track that appears on both the compilation and the original album. Two duplicate Bob Marley tracks detected, can be safely deleted by removing lower quality MP3 copies. Sometimes a possible duplicate needs to be verified, DeDup allows playback of the track(s) in question, the flow can be switched between the two tracks during playback, a real time saver.
System Requirements

Compatibility: macOS 10.10 or later

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