PDF - Document

WarRoom 3.1.1 Mac


WarRoom 3.1.1 is a lightweight yet powerful document review tool for litigation support. WarRoom is designed for attorneys and eDiscovery professionals who need an easy-to-use system for uploading and reviewing document metadata and images from an electronic document production. “WarRoom is an incredible program. E-discovery solutions are almost non-existent for MacOS, and WarRoom has now filled that need. WarRoom is easy to use and packed with great features. ” - Bradford J.Black, Black Chang and Hamill LLP In the days of electronic discovery and massive document reviews, most large law firms agreed on a standard for their production. Typically, these productions consist of a document metadata upload file, an image metadata upload file, and a folder full of single-page image files, text files, and local files. Without expensive software (none available for MacOS), such production will not work for you. Now, with WarRoom you can get the same vehicles for a fraction of the cost.

Easily create your document workspace • Quickly create a new topic workspace or import an old database. From previous versions of WarRoom. • Automatically sync your WarRoom workspaces using iCloud. • Invite other users to share your workspace and collaborate on your document review in real time. Easily import document productions • Load document metadata from delimited text files using any standard delimiter character. • Load images and associated metadata from image upload files (supports single page Tiffs and Jpegs). • Import PDF files directly to your workspace. * Make your document review painless • Easily search extracted text using keywords, boolean operators, index search, and conceptual search • Review documents in List, Detail, or Split Screen mode. • Instantly search full text in the document or create a form search for deeper searching. • Search the text of a document to highlight highlights. • Automatic document clustering allows you to quickly identify important concepts in your document set. • Preview the most supported native file types linked from a domain and view and search extracted text directly in the Image Viewer. Organize your documents and hide privileged information • Tag documents with various issues and search by your tags. • Code documents with single or multiple choice fields. • Create folders to organize documents using drag and drop. • Redact sensitive information in images and optionally make redactions permanent during export. Export only what you want to produce • Export images to multi-page PDFs or single-page TIFF image files with associated image metadata upload file. • Export document metadata to a delimited text file. • Export extracted text/OCR to text files and optionally exclude redacted text. Secure and defensible! • All data is stored locally. Only you can access your data. • If you choose to share your workspace with other users or sync your workspaces with your other Macs, all information is transmitted securely using Apple's iCloud. No third party has access to your data! • All conceptual analyzes are powered by Apple's in-house analysis APIs; This means you have peace of mind that your searches are giving you accurate and defensible results. • Supported document metadata upload file formats: Compatibility/Relativity (.DAT) or any delimited text file (.TXT) • Supported image metadata upload file formats: iPro (.LFP **), Opticon (.OPT), or Relativity (.LOG) Things WarRoom doesn't do: • WarRoom does not process “native” files for electronic reconnaissance. • WarRoom does not OCR documents • WarRoom is currently English only. * To extract the full text of PDFs into your workspace, they must already be full-text searchable PDFs. ** Please note that the following .LFP codes are not currently supported by WarRoom: LC, IO, IA, FD, IN, IS, FT, OT, OF, OI, DT, RT, DA, SR and RS.
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