XCOrganizer is a tool that allows you to easily find any project on a disk. Browse Xcode Projects, Xcode Workspaces, Swift Playgrounds, and Swift Packages grouped by type. Assign tags based on project goals. Favorite everything you're working on. People probably can't keep track of all the project names. It could be XCOorganizer.
Group by Type
- All projects are grouped by types, so if you know you're looking for a newly created XCFramework or Apple Watch extension, for example, it's easier than ever to find it by selecting the group.
- XCOrganizer easily sorts all the items for you. Check this out.
- Any Xcode Project (as well as workspace, playground, and Swift suite) can be easily marked with predefined tags like (Work, Home, or Open Source), and even more, you can create your own tags to keep everything sorted. You can also assign the entire folder to a specific label.
- Doubts about naming? “CoolProj” or “CoolProject”? All items are indexed so it doesn't matter, just type and get your results.
- The easiest way to keep something brief is to mark it. Add your project to favorites.
- Open your project's product in the App Store directly from the app. Never miss a link.
- Want a shortcut? You can quickly access your favorite items in the status bar application.
- Preview your project's details directly from QuickLook or Spotlight.
System Requirements
Compatibility: macOS 10.12.2 or later
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