Flame 2020 offers tools for fast, interactive 3D visual effects, post-processing, compositing, advanced graphics, color grading, rendering, editorial and appearance development. Flame 2020 gives VFX artists tools for fast and interactive visual effects, editorial finishing and 3D compositing.
Enjoy 2D compositing speed with 2D visual effects
Flame® 3D VFX and finishing software provides effective tools for 3D compositing, visual effects and editorial finishing. An integrated, creative environment means faster composition, advanced graphics, color correction and more.
Image Timeline FX and batch node (video: 1:50 min.)
Maintain a creative mindset in a simple task-based environment
Edit, compose, and color correct in a single environment without switching between software. Quickly create and iterate for more productive client sessions and to stay in flow.
Convenient workflow (video: 1:13 min.)
Use collaboration and media management tools
- Get smart media management with customizable looks.
- Support all modern formats including 8K.
- Quickly collaborate with other artists using Scriptable Python API commands.
Turbobit 1.26 GB .zip
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