Graphics - 3D - Animation

Rhinoceros for Mac 6.17


Rhino NURBS* can create, edit, analyze, document, render, animate and translate curves, surfaces and solids, point clouds and polygon meshes. There are no limits to complexity, degree or size, as well as the hardware you have.

  • Unlimited 3D modeling tools are freely available, only in products that cost 20 to 50 times as much. You can model any shape imaginable with Rhino.
  • The precision needed to design, prototype, engineer, analyze and manufacture everything from aircraft to jewelry.
  • Compatibility with design programs, drawing, CAM, engineering, prototyping, analysis, rendering, animation and illustration.
  • Repairs Lee and complex networks and IGES files.
  • Accessible. It's so easy to learn and use that you can focus on design and visualization without having to worry about the software.
  • Fast even on a regular laptop. No special hardware required.

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Turbobit 390 MB .dmg


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