Avalanche For Lightroom 1.1 allows you to move your Aperture or Lightroom libraries without losing your settings, and manage all your library moves on your Mac in a few clicks. From Apple Aperture to Adobe Lightroom, Avalanche makes it easy to move your images between applications without losing your organizational structure and image settings.
- Drag and drop support added: You can now drag and drop any supported library to start analysis,
- Added a 'Safe Mode' to the preferences: enabling safe mode allows you to reduce file IO by avoiding reading metadata from the files themselves. It will speed up parsing of input catalogs during conversion.
- Added a new option to control whether image and video hierarchies are separated on disk. In previous versions, photos and videos were separated on disk. You can now choose to have your photos and videos transferred to the same folder hierarchy.
- New buttons on the conversion screen give you easy access to the exported library and error log.
- Added a clearer 2-step workflow when starting a conversion to select the target folder
- Several UI improvements
- Improved DEMO mode. The entire catalog no longer makes DEMO mode faster, making it more rewarding.
- Improved output of complex project searches: if a project is a leaf node of a hierarchy, it is now exported as a simple album. Previously, it was exported as a collection set containing one album.
- Fixed several issues with plants, especially when it comes to portrait images,
- Adjustment of curves fixed,
- Fixed the export of collections in projects published online. This would previously cause a lot of empty albums to appear in the hierarchy,
- Many minor bug fixes when writing Lightroom libraries
System Requirements
OS X 10.14 or later 64-bit
Download Links
Turbobit 24 MB .zip
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