Tools - Miscellaneous

Calca 1.5.3


Calca is a powerful symbolic calculator that updates as you type and gives you instant answers. Solve equations and simplify complex expressions. It's also a rich Markdown text editor so you can explain your ideas along with your calculations. Calca is perfect for anyone working with numbers and equations, professionals and students alike. Variables and functions can be created and manipulated with a rich library of operators and functions with just a few keystrokes. Calca updates as you type – just like a spreadsheet. You can declare variables, edit their values, and watch everything update before your eyes. Because everything is calculated on the device - no network required - you get instant answers. All calculations are stored in plain text, so you can easily share them with other editors and move them from device to device. Calcca is designed to work with iCloud documents so all your devices can access your calculations – you'll always have the latest files for viewing and editing. Calca comes with a host of examples to help you get started tackling topics from home mortgages to kinetics. All these examples are fully explained within Calca itself. Do you still use a desktop calculator? Are you using the stupid calculator with giant buttons that comes with your operating system? Computers are much more capable of doing simple one-line arithmetic – power your machine with Calca!

  • Variables "x = 42"
  • `f(c) = 9/5*c + 32` functions and even recursive functions
  • Units are `42 ​​mph` and currency is ``$599` $`
  • Solves equations (`x + 2x + 4x = 42`, what is x?)
  • Matrices with inverses so you can solve linear equations
  • Add, generate, map, and reduce operations on lists, matrices, and ranges
  • Trigonometry and complex numbers
  • Derivatives of functions
  • Logic operations and if statements
  • Binary math (& and |) and binary and hexadecimal number support ("0xA9" and "0b1010")
  • Keeps track of units (m, s, m/s, m/s^2, etc.) so you can verify your equations when calculating
System Requirements

Compatibility: OS X 10.9 or later

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