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UltraCompare macOS


A complement to your file management suite, UltraCompare is loaded with features that let you compare text files and folders, as well as zip files and jar archives. Text file comparison features include binary and text comparison of two or three text files simultaneously, with the ability to combine text differences between compared files. Folder comparison also supports comparison of local/network directories (and subdirectories with recursive folder comparison) and zip file comparison, and like text/binary comparison, you can combine the differences between compared directories. Sessions With UltraCompare's session functionality, you can open multiple compare and merge sessions across multiple tabs, each just a click away. Each session is like a new instance of IDM UltraCompare For Mac, allowing you to run multiple types of processes, each with the appropriate configuration. Ignore Options UltraCompare for Mac's Ignore Options options let you fine-tune your comparison to ignore line terminators, white spaces, all blank lines, and more. Find Duplicates UltraCompare for Mac's powerful Find Duplicates functionality makes it easy to scan your file system for pesky duplicates. Let us do the weighting for you. Ignore/Compare Columns Sometimes you only want to compare or exclude a known number of columns. This feature allows you to specify the columns or spans you want to compare or exclude from the comparison. UltraEdit Integration UltraEdit for Mac  makes it easy to load a file directly from the editor and directly into UltraCompare for Mac. Large files Edit UltraCompare is designed to edit large files that cause other comparison tools to crash. People who deal with databases and large log files absolutely love our products for this very reason. 4k UHD support UltraCompare looks great on Retina and other ultra-high resolution displays. If you haven't upgraded yet, there's no need to worry. We will be ready for you when you do this.

  • Compare 2 or 3 files at a time
  • Combine differences
  • Filter the comparison view to show only matches or differences
  • Ignore spaces, line breaks, specific lines and more
  • Manually set text comparison starting point
  • Edit when comparing text files
  • Paste and compare text snippets
  • Preview HTML files in browser
  • Compare files from the Internet via URL
  • Compare files and folders from FTP/SFTP
  • Scan and navigate the differences with the mini map
  • Compare Word Docs (.doc/.docx), PDFs and RTFs
  • Sync folders quickly and easily
  • Find and resolve duplicate files
  • Save and reuse your most used comparisons with sessions
  • Drag and drop folders and files to compare
  • Integrate with Windows explorer
  • Integrate with Subversion, CVS, Visual SourceSafe, Perforce and more
  • Change app and compare colors with themes
  • Show comparison vertically or horizontally
  • Save difference and result reports
System Requirements

Compatibility: macOS 10.9 or later 64 bit

Download Links

Turbobit 34 MB .dmg


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