Programming - Development

CodeRunner 3.0.1 Mac OS X


An advanced, highly flexible and easy-to-use programming editor, CodeRunner supports multiple languages ​​and offers great IDE features while remaining lightweight and clutter-free. CodeRunner can run code in 23 languages ​​out of the box and can be easily extended to run code in any other language. Key features include debugging with breakpoints in multiple languages, IDE-level code completion, and numerous other high-quality features that make writing and working with code easier than ever before. Advanced Code Completion Any programmer knows the importance of good code completion. That's why CodeRunner fully supports IDE-level code completion for most languages, including fuzzy search, tab-selectable placeholders, and documentation snippets.
Run Code in Any Language
CodeRunner is built on the principle that you can instantly run your code in any language. CodeRunner can run code in 23 languages ​​out of the box and can be easily extended to support other languages. Adding a language is as easy as entering a terminal command. Debugging with Breakpoints It's easy to get frustrated when your code isn't working right. New in CodeRunner 2.2, you can set breakpoints and go through code line by line. Just click in the text margin to set a breakpoint and start debugging. Explore the call stack, view and edit local variables, and use the full power of the debugger by issuing debugger commands. Debugging your code has never been easier.

- TextMate theme support - Auto indent support  - Interactive console - File explorer - Smart bracket matching - Special build flags  - Symbol explorer - Run with arguments and input sets  - Word completions  - Multiple selections - Live work statistics
System Requirements

OSX 10.7 or Later

Download Links

Turbobit 69 MB .zip


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