Easy Video Converter Pro is the best video conversion tool. It can handle almost all audio and video formats that can be played on Apple devices. Drag your file to the video converter, easily select a preset output and click convert. There are no other options to choose, it does not require professional skills. However, you can intelligently analyze the import file by matching it to the highest quality according to the output format. Batch conversion supported. With the HEVC (H.265) codec generated, it converts files with higher quality and smaller size. With this, you can easily convert 4K format with the same quality and smaller size.
Video format: asf, avc, avi, avr, avs, dv, DVR, f4v, filmstrip, FLV, gsm, GXF, m2ts, m4v, mkv, MLP, mod, mov, mpc, mpeg, mpg, mp4, mts, mv mvi, nut, nuf, rm, rmvb, swf, tod, tp, web, web, wmv, xmv, 3gp, 3g2 Audio format: aAC, aC3, aIFF, aif, aifc, amr, 3ga, simian, au, caf dts, ea, EAC3, flac, mp3, wma, mka, ogg, mp2, mp1, m4a, wav
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