Graphics - 3D - Animation

KitBash3D – Military Outpost (MAX/FBX/OBJ) MacOS


Bring all your modern warfare and military worlds to life with this kit's camps, clock towers, concrete walls, cargo containers, bunkers, barbed wire fences, guns, ammo, sandbags, generators, safes and much more. With over 260 parts and 50 materials, this sturdy kit will bring your combat outposts, barracks, blockades and skirmish shelters to life.

FILE FORMAT: .MA / .MAX / .C4D / .BLEND / .FBX / .OBJ RENDER ENGINES: Octane / Vray / Redshift / Local Renderers POLY COUNT: 11.2 Million UVED: Yes TEXTILE: Tileable INDICATORS: Included
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