Graphics - 3D - Animation

KitBash3D – Mini Kit: Cyberpunk Mac


KitBash3D – Mini Kit: Cyberpunk (MA/MAX/C4D/BLEND/FBX/OBJ) Create sci-fi dystopias or overpopulated metropolises in an almost too-futuristic blur of neon, crime, and unknown overlords. This kit picks some of our most popular full world kits: Brutalist, Future Slums, Neo Tokyo & Used at Cyberpunk # kb3dcontest sponsored by Neo Shanghai and OctaneRender®. You can check the full list of winners, finalists and awards.

FILE FORMAT: .MA / .max / .C4D / .BLEND / .FBX / .OBJ render engines: Octane / Vray / Redshift / Native Renderers POLY COUNT: 1.8 Million UVed: Yes Textures: tileable shaders: Included
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Turbobit 1 GB .zip


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