Video Editing

Multi Parent Rigging v1.4.3 for After Effects macOS


Multi Parent Arma brings modular animation to effect effects. Allows you to create additional Parented transform properties (position, rotation, scale, opacity) that connect to any other layer. With a global slider used to control all properties or individual sliders in the advanced settings, you can seamlessly manipulate each property against another layer's properties, whether it's 2D, 3D, hidden, locked, parent, even a child. It is easy to install, easy to use and allows you to merge different layers from different layers or the same layer at different times or at the same time. Take it for a spin, you won't regret it. What is modular animation? Modular animation is what it sounds like. Animation, it's modular. Modular is a term where things can often be added to things to enhance their capabilities. Currently, animations are made using keyframes set in the properties of this layer. This makes trying to create smooth transitions from walk loops to jumps very time consuming, very dreary, and very frustrating. Not only that, but once you create the jump and run it's almost impossible to reuse what you've made.
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