Internet Tools

News Headlines 3.7 MacOS


But to stay on top of the world's news, News Headlines brings you the latest Google News in a concise format in under 30 words to get a quick look at the news right in your Mac's Menu Bar. Just click on the beautiful icon in the MenuBar to access the world news happening at that time. — Featured in AppStore's top lists —

▸ News without delay! ▸ News with titles shorter than 30 words ▸ Be informed instantly about the latest news ▸ From different categories Choose according to your interest ▸ Set auto-refresh interval to stay updated with the latest Google news ▸ Sign in with your existing google account to get preferred news ▸ Access past articles in Notification Center ▸ Ready for macOS Sierra ▸ Very low CPU and memory usage ▸ Set your preferred language according to your interest ▸ Search for the news you want to read ▸ News from 51 different countries ▸ Supports 24 different languages
System Requirements

Compatibility: macOS 10.10 or later.

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