Internet Tools

Readit News: App for Reddit 2.7


A look at multiple subreddits in a single window without distraction. Click an icon in the menu bar and see all the important subreddit feeds. Also configure the favorite subreddit as you want.

  • Categories in subdirectories of your choice. (custom configuration)
  • Add or remove subreddits to predefined categories. (easy to use)
  • Browse Reddit in full screen or from the menu bar. (convenience)
  • Get alerts from your favorite subreddit. (be ahead of the cult)
  • Also set your favorite subreddit to Today Widgets and check it when the app is closed (0% distraction)
  •  Dark/Light mode is automatically applied based on preferences. (Beauty)
Predefined Categories:
  • News, Discussions, Entertainment, Humor, Media, Learning, Lifestyle, Sports, Places, Technology, Miscellaneous.
  • You can also add more categories and subreddits as you wish.
System Requirements

Compatibility: macOS 10.12 or later, 64-bit processor

Download Links

Turbobit 5 MB .dmg


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