OmniOutliner 5 Pro – Outline: think, write, do. Create perfect outlines with a powerful, productive app. This is your all-purpose tool for Mac with smart columns, scriptability, custom styles, templates, and more.
Saved Filters PRO
Document Statistics
Distraction-Free Mode
Source Search
Touch Bar Support
Typewriter Mode
Dark Mode
Customizable Keyboard Shortcuts Pro
Scroll Sidebars Pro
Multi-Line Focus Pro
Excel Export Expert
Column Width Improvements Pro
Style Preview Professional
Context-aware support for Touch Bar for Apple's latest MacBook Pro. Get quick access to the most relevant controls.Password ProtectionEncrypt documents you choose to keep confidential. OmniOutliner can now encrypt documents with a password.Smart ColumnsAdd columns to any document that deserves them. Columns can be used to summarize data (such as summing up your monthly budget figures) or a completely different type, such as a multiple choice selection.Voice RecordingRecord audio for posterity while taking notes in outline format. The recording is stored within the document and can be played back to make sure you did everything correctly.Customizable Keyboard ShortcutsCustomize the shortcuts that OmniOutliner uses everywhere. Getting used to shortcuts from another app? Set these in OmniOutliner 5 Pro.Saved FiltersNot only can you instantly search your document for keywords or checked boxes, OmniOutliner 5 Pro also lets you save these filters in the sidebar.Scroll ControllersWe've significantly improved full-screen mode by adding a preference to automatically hide what you don't need to see. To access the Sidebar or Inspectors, simply swipe your mouse to the left or right of your screen.AppleScript SupportCombine the AppleScript language with OmniOutliner's beautifully documented library for serious automation.Custom ToolbarsEach document is different from the last, so don't get stuck using the same toolbar in every document. In Pro, create a toolbar specific to the document saved in the file itself.
What's new:
Version 5.8.5:
General: Improved app launch time on macOS Big Sur.
Spotlight: Fixed a Spotlight crash with OmniOutliner's metadata plugin.
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