Graphics - 3D - Animation

Picture Instruments Preset Converter Pro 1.1.0 Mac


Preset Converter is a handy little tool to convert Lightroom presets (.xmp or lrtemplate) to Capture One Styles (.costyle). Since Adobe Lightroom and Capture One are fundamentally different RAW converters with different features and algorithms, we want to use this guide not only to explain the operation of the software, but also to show its conversion limits. Preset Converter only converts from Lightroom to Capture One, not the other way around. We couldn't find a visual equivalent in Lightroom for many features in Capture One. Therefore, the decision to work in only one direction is purely technical.

  • Wide variety of Lightroom presets available in Capture One
  • Presets created by users can be easily imported and then used in Capture One
  • Any number of presets can be converted (even simultaneously)
  • No need for elaborate entertainment, especially for rating curves
  • Conversion of .xmp or .lrtemplate presets
  • Creating individual styles (.costyle) or style packs (.costylepack)
System Requirements

OS X 10.11 or later, 64-bit processor

Download Links

Turbobit 14 MB .zip


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