RimWorld is a science fiction colony guided by an intelligent AI storyteller. Inspired by Dwarf Fortress, Firefly, FTL and Dune. RimWorld is a story generator. He was conceived as a writer of tragic, twisted and triumphant stories about imprisoned pirates, desperate colonists, starvation and survival. It works by controlling the “random” events the world throws at you. Every storm, pirate attack, and traveling salesman is a card dealt to your story by the AI Storyteller. There are several storytellers to choose from. Randy Random does crazy things, Cassandra Classic ratchets up the tension, and Phoebe Friendly makes sure only good things happen.
- Colonists are not professional settlers
- Each person's history is tracked and affects how they play.
- Colonists develop and destroy relationships.
- The game creates an entire planet from the pole to the equator.
- You can tame and train animals.
- People in RimWorld constantly monitor their situation and environment to decide how they feel at any given moment.
- Wounds, infections, prosthetics and chronic conditions are observed on every body part and affect the characters' capacities.
- You can repair body parts with prosthetics ranging from primitive to transcendental.
- Manage colonists' moods, needs, injuries and illnesses.
- Fashion structures, weapons and clothing made from metal, wood, stone, fabric or futuristic materials.
- Catch and train cute animals, productive farm animals and deadly attack animals
- Watch colonists develop and sever relationships with family members, lovers, and spouses.
- Fight against pirate raiders, hostile tribes, fierce beasts, giant burrowing bugs and ancient killing machines.
- Trade with passing ships and trade with caravans.
- Decorate your colony to turn it into a tasteful space.
- Fight snowfall, storms and fire.
- Capture refugees or prisoners and turn them to your side or sell them into slavery.
- Discover a newly created world every time you play.
- Create colonies in the desert, jungle, tundra and more.
- Learn to play easily with the help of a smart and unobtrusive AI teacher.
System Requirements
Operating system version: OSX 10.5 Processor type(s) and speed: Core 2 Duo RAM minimum: 4 GB Video RAM: 1 GB
Download Links
Turbobit 177 MB .zip
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