Action - Adventure

Where Cards Fall 1.4.2 MacOS


Where Cards Fall is a slice of life story where you build houses of cards to bring formative memories to life. Create paths in dreamy spatial puzzles to navigate the insecurities and emotions of high school and beyond.
  • Make sure iCloud saves are disabled in-game to save your progress locally.
  • There doesn't appear to be any Exit option in the game menu, do CMD + Q to exit.

  • More than 50 challenging spatial puzzles that develop your imagination and strategic thinking skills
  • A captivating coming-of-age story told without dialogue
  • A unique art style inspired by contemporary artistic movements
  • Innovative gesture controls for both mouse and controller
  • Impressive sound and an original soundtrack
System Requirements

Operating system version: 10.9.5 Processor types and speed: 2.4 Ghz Core 2 Duo RAM minimum: 4 GB

Download Links

Turbobit 477 MB .zip


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