Action - Adventure

Don’t Escape 4 Days to Survive 1.0.1b 27976


After a strange catastrophic event split the Moon in two, Earth struggles with the environmental fallout. Everything is already dying or dying… except you. Or so you think. Don't Escape: 4 Days to Survive is a post-apocalyptic thriller from Scriptwelder, creator of the popular horror series Deep Sleep and Escape Escape. Players must find a way to properly fortify their home against each night's new danger as they learn the truth behind the apocalypse and seek a way to safety, if any exist. Players take on David, a lone survivor after the end of the world, who finds himself having prophetic dreams… or nightmares. There are many potential variations to be encountered in each part of the game, from poisonous fog or spiders to a gang of murderous bandits or a deadly heat wave, and as a result, you'll need to adjust your strategy across different games. But you don't have it forever. Some actions advance the in-game clock, and you'll need to complete your preparations to (hopefully) survive before night falls. Are you going to do it for all four days? Will you have friends?
System Requirements

Operating System version: 10.11 Processor type and speed: Minimum Dual Core 1.4GHz RAM:

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