Factorio 0.17.62 is a game where you build and maintain factories. You will be mining resources, researching technologies, building infrastructure, automating production …
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Rumu is a single player, point-and-click, narrative-driven adventure game about a robot vacuum cleaner with AI, self-aware in the watchdog eye of Sabrina. You …
Take control of a group of settlers to establish a settlement that has survived the past seasons, surviving bandits, underworld horrors, …
Audio File Editing, AudioCD Mastering, Plugin Hosting A new application faked in the history of elite. Rebuilt from the bottom …
Table creation, custom queries, autocompletion, and inline data filtering. Here are just a few of the key features you can expect. Whether you …
Atlassian Jira Software for every member of your software team designed to plan, monitor and release great software. Plan Create user …
Flowstate lets you choose how long you write for (5, 15, 30 min), then you enter a flow session. If you quit …
MacFamilyTree 8 gives genealogy a facelift: modern, interactive, useful and fast. Explore your family tree and your family’s history, generation by generation, …
Cisdem PDF Converter OCR offers OCR technology to convert any local PDF, scanned PDF, encrypted PDF or image file into editable …
App Tamer is an optimization tool designed for older computers with less CPU and RAM. With App Tamer you can manage …
Convert your favorite movies/movies to enjoy on iPad, iPhone or Apple TV! Why choose iMedia Converter Deluxe? iMedia Converter Deluxe is …
BetterTouchTool, Magic Mouse, Multi-Touch Trackpad and Magic Trackpad add many new features for MacBook that are fully customizable. BetterTouchTool improves your …
Wolf allows you to create beautiful and friendly mobile websites. Wolf is an application for Mac that focuses solely on responsive design, …
Mail Pilot is an email client for MacOS that offers simple yet powerful features along with a modern user interface. The client …
Curio is the leading brainstorming and project management app designed to encourage visual thinking. Using Curio’s innovative free-form interface and tools, you …
Memory Clean 3 is an absolutely amazing, extremely powerful and super application to optimize your Mac memory. The app replicates the …
Mojave Cache Cleaner is an award-winning general-purpose tool for MacOS X. MCC simplifies MacOS MCC provides. Mojave Cache Cleaner is one of …
SketchUp is useful from the early stages of design to the end of construction. Programming, diagramming, design development, detailing, documentation, RFIs – …
VueScan, the world’s most popular scanner software, is widely used by photographers, home users, scanning services and businesses. VueScan is a scanning …
Persecond from Flixel Photos is the new and easy way to create a beautiful timelapse video. What is a timeline? Timelapse …