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Password Repository 4.2.1 Mac


Password Repository is a password manager that securely stores all your passwords and all related data on macOS and iOS.

Easy and Powerful - Document-based, allows you to create unlimited documents with different passwords. - Any document you create is protected and encrypted with a 'Master Password' via the AES-256 encryption algorithm. - Compatible with similar version for iOS. - A Document has a simple layout and is based on a 'Main and Detail' interface with a list of records on the left and a detail of the selected record on the right. - Main table can be customized whenever you need - Passwords can be organized into categories with a name and a unique color for better processing of your data. - Easy access thanks to search categories and an always-available search field that filters live content as you type - No connection required. Not based on iCloud
System Requirements

OS X 10.10 or later
Download Links

Turbobit 11 MB .zip


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