Keep track of the number of days until your next important event by displaying it conveniently prominently in your menu bar.
Tools – Miscellaneous
AppZapper lets you safely uninstall almost any app as easily as they were installed – just drag and drop. Drag one or …
Feel the breeze of your desktop, your desktop is not boring anymore!
Hello Stylus! A graphics tablet is a control system for your pen, mouse, or other input method. Gives you control over the smoothness …
XCOrganizer is a tool that allows you to easily find any project on a disk. Browse Xcode Projects, Xcode Workspaces, Swift Playgrounds, …
macOS Mavericks officially brings tags to the Mac. Ammonite provides an easy-to-use interface to quickly find tagged files. It also works with OpenMeta …
GoToFile is a fast, flexible and accurate utility for finding files and folders on your Mac. Fuzzy Search Type a few …
Smart adaptive brightness for your external display. Lunar controls the same brightness that you can change using the monitor’s physical buttons. …
A real-time view of all keyboard keys and mouse events you’ve pressed.
QuartzCode is a fast, lightweight and powerful animation tool that instantly generates Objective-C and Swift code for iOS and OS X. It’s …
We’ve all been there, put our hands on the MacBook’s keyboard and unintentionally tapped the Touch Bar. This can be very annoying, …
Scrollow allows you to control various system parameters (system volume, screen brightness, keyboard illumination) and issue control events (change tracks, play …
iStatistica Pro lets you view your battery’s stats, real-time information about the CPU, RAM usage and more. Network statistics include external IP, …
Smooze 1.7.7 Unobtrusive tool created to make your scrolling easier and add custom mouse button actions and mouse gestures to any …
Ink2Go is a screen annotation and recording solution that allows you to write over your active desktop applications in real time. Save …
Asset is a UPnP (DLNA compatible) audio server designed as an audio-only server, with an emphasis on quality and advanced browsing …
White Noise includes 50 HD stereo ambient sounds of the environment to help you relax and sleep better at night. Are you …
Manage files as usual – using two panels and the keyboard (and sometimes mouse). Introducing the MaxCommander application.
MiniNote Pro is the best notes app you will ever use. It was designed from the ground up to deliver the fastest …
Window Focus is a super useful and beautiful app that helps you focus on what’s important. The application highlights the current working …