Arcade - 2D

Valhalla Hills Mac OS X


You've spent your entire life serving the gods of Asgard. You died an honorable death. You have earned your place in the halls of Valhalla. But when you knocked on its doors to claim your ultimate reward, none answered. Odin turned his back on his people. It underestimates the Viking spirit. He underestimates you. Force his hand and fight to prove your honor, power and worth as you lead your people through the dangers that await in Valhalla Hills. Watch over your Vikings, gather food, chop wood, and master the complex economy of survival in the wild. Reach the portal at the top of each mountain and connect your war maw loud enough for the gods to hear. If they do not give your people all the rewards they deserve, then you will take it from them with your axe.

  • Be prepared for randomly generated levels with various challenges
  • Pay attention to your Vikings' needs
  • Continuously improve and use your knowledge and achievements for the next map
  • Earn your place in Valhalla for your Vikings and yourself
System Requirements

OS version: Mac OS X 10.9.2 Processor type(s) & speed:2.5 GHz or faster RAM minimum: 4 GB RAM

Download Links

Turbobit 1.25 GB .zip


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